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Showing posts from September, 2010

Hello Fall

Goodbye summer. This was a very busy, beautiful, wonderful summer. Some highlights: Sweet Pea eating fresh berries and beans from our garden on a near-daily basis camping in a 2-person tent with Glen and Sweet Pea, Average and me all on one air mattress watching the meteor shower with good friends Garrison Keillor's live show canoeing with Sweet Pea, Average, my brother, and his girlfriend getting the patio cover put up eating vegetables that we grew pickling green beans making applesauce with our own apples blueberry picking my 10-year high school reunion Sweet Pea moving into a twin bed swimming in the Pistol River, my home river running the half marathon running the Warrior Dash swimming at the pool and getting chastised by the lifeguard because my independent daughter would not stay within reach of me. She is a runner! Sweet Pea learning sooo many words! Including: cup, lid, airplane, kitty cat, I want, running, water (wawas), milk (milp), nummies, yes, and s...

Flip Diaper

I recently bought a new type of diaper for Sweet Pea. It is the Flip diaper, and it is exactly what I would have designed if I had been asked to make a new diaper. It is a two-part system, with a shell that can be used through many changes, and three options for your absorbent insert. I chose the "stay dry" insert, which is microfiber on one side (do not put this side against your baby's skin!) and thin wicking fleece on the other side. The reasons this is the diaper I have been looking for: one-size to grow with the baby snapping cover so Sweet Pea can't remove it herself! stay-dry insert keeps my sensitive-skin baby rash free less laundry because the shell can be used through several diaper changes The diaper shell can also be used with an organic cotton insert, or a disposable insert, but I haven't tried those options. I also read in the reviews that some people are using these shells with pre-folds and other inserts they already had, with good success....