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Serge It!

A few days ago I finally took the time to try to get the serger going. I've had it for maybe two months now, and this was the first time I attempted running a piece of fabric through it. Well, it took a couple of hours to get the threads all going the right directions through their assorted slots, the tensions correct, and the stitch I wanted chosen, but now I want to serge everything! Got a loose seam? Serge it! An holiday project? Serge it! A cut on your finger? Well, maybe not, but you get the idea.

I have one set of napkins done and about half of my cloth "kleenex" edged, and have lots more to do before Christmas comes, including making Sweet Pea a stocking. I can't believe I didn't think of that until just last weekend!

Update: 12:30 AM
Got my second set of napkins done, cut the black and white ones, and decided that black thread would look better than the white I had been using. I thought I was really smart and changed out the thread color by tying the new thread to the old and pulling it through. Now it is all in the right holes, woven through the right parts of the machine, but I just CAN NOT get the tension right. The loops are way too loose, sticking out beyond the edge of the fabric. I have tried increasing the tension for each thread, one at a time, changing the differential feed number (I don't even know what that means but it is a knob on the side of the machine), and nothing is helping. Time to go to sleep and try again tomorrow.


  1. Oh, I want a serger soooo bad!!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I used sergers a lot in college and they are sometimes a pain. There was only one girl that worked with us who could fix it when it "broke" and that girl was NOT me! Good luck!

  2. Sounds fun! I don't know what a serger is though.


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